My 1st Apple TV Yoga App is now Approved by the Apple App Store

My very first Apple TV App is now Approved to be Released

Wow now I’m nervous, but also happy. I’m sure there will be some bumps in the road, but I will adjust and adapt as needed.

I thank ALL my yogi sisters that assisted, and the one’s that gave me inspiration, along with my family, friends and my Brooklyn Kings Borough Homies Past and Present. And of course my Partner {T}. We will continue to move forward for the next 6 months to see how this project pans out while making small tweaks here and there.

We are Perpetual Yogis (we are students to the practice of Yoga).

App was Approved on 22Aug 2021 Release date still pending…

Stay safe, and thank you for reading this

Chris (yogiDev)

pisture of the first AppleTV showing rear connectors next to s SD sharp TV