So much to still Learn about App Development

So a few weeks ago the App got approved for release from Apple.However I did not release the App after I got confirmation that all was good with the submission process. I had to add some better looking screenshots of the App in use, and I did take my time to really research and made better screenshots than before. Appfigues is a good site to get some examples and good intel, sorry I’m talking like I’m back in the Army lol.

So after doing the homework I redid 90% of the screenshots, and used the entire 10 slots available to uploaded the new versions.

However of course now I know Now that even revised screenshots still have to be reviewed by the Apple App store; it does make since to me. So I had to cancel the App, reload a newer vision of the App, then add the new screenshots and then resubmit to Apple for another full review.

It’s now LaborDay and I hope they will allow it and approve the app for the 2nd time.

It always pays to do more research, even when you thought you did.

Yes, I’m still learning the process.

Chris Rookie YogiDev
