We Made the Launch Date

Great news, and what a beautiful start; I was a little worried for a second, just being honest.  

We thank the following yogi model talent(Amanda.F, Jamekia.L, Wendy.L), and Dr. Tasha.B for her mentorship.  

First App out the door, but may updates and Apps to come.



So much to still Learn about App Development

So a few weeks ago the App got approved for release from Apple.However I did not release the App after I got confirmation that all was good with the submission process. I had to add some better looking screenshots of the App in use, and I did take my time to really research and made better screenshots than before. Appfigues is a good site to get some examples and good intel, sorry I’m talking like I’m back in the Army lol.

So after doing the homework I redid 90% of the screenshots, and used the entire 10 slots available to uploaded the new versions.

However of course now I know Now that even revised screenshots still have to be reviewed by the Apple App store; it does make since to me. So I had to cancel the App, reload a newer vision of the App, then add the new screenshots and then resubmit to Apple for another full review.

It’s now LaborDay and I hope they will allow it and approve the app for the 2nd time.

It always pays to do more research, even when you thought you did.

Yes, I’m still learning the process.

Chris Rookie YogiDev


App Launch is 8 September 2021

LaunchDatePY8Sept letterGraphic

Please Welcome our Yogi Journeyers; you will see them again, along with Others Soon.

It’s Ok to get a little uncomfortable; just be careful and pay attention to your body.

More to follow soon.


two women yogis posing

My 1st Apple TV Yoga App is now Approved by the Apple App Store

My very first Apple TV App is now Approved to be Released

Wow now I’m nervous, but also happy. I’m sure there will be some bumps in the road, but I will adjust and adapt as needed.

I thank ALL my yogi sisters that assisted, and the one’s that gave me inspiration, along with my family, friends and my Brooklyn Kings Borough Homies Past and Present. And of course my Partner {T}. We will continue to move forward for the next 6 months to see how this project pans out while making small tweaks here and there.

We are Perpetual Yogis (we are students to the practice of Yoga).

App was Approved on 22Aug 2021 Release date still pending…

Stay safe, and thank you for reading this

Chris (yogiDev)

pisture of the first AppleTV showing rear connectors next to s SD sharp TV

Hello World, Yogi's, and Developers out there on the Internet

My name is Christopher Cherry, and I’m a yogi, Army Vet, and now a junior developer of Apple TV.

This is my new project (Perpetual Yogi’s) I want to present to the world, I hope you enjoy it if you are a yogi or not, or an developer or not as well.

Next step is to release this App to the Apple App Store for approval.

PY inTVDraft

We are Finally Online and Ready

picture of the apps logo in color of yellow